Thursday, August 27, 2009

Term 3 Week 9

Home Section page B6
Call us, helplines urge troubled teens

1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.
Students from secondary three to four would mostly choose to tell their secerets to their friends,parents,siblings,
b) According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?
According to Ms Lily Chu they prefer to help youths by a more direct , effective means , through programmes like workshops in schools , face to face counselling and home visits .
2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?
Both I can say but lesser percentage of me going to my parents even I have problems I will tell my cousin first than rather straight and tell my parents unless the matter is too large I will have to tell my parents but if it is a small matter it will waste their time . While with friends I will tell my friends about my family problems but if it is too huge I would tell my cousin as she is in my family and will try to help me.

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)
Yes of course as in primary school there will be alot of betaraying of each other but primary school is for fun but in secondary if you betray a person you might regret as it may cause you being beatean up as children forgive each other but when they are teenagers they change .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

1a) What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?
The 4 rules are all groups have to exercise tolerance and restraints , keep religion seperate from politics , government must remain secular , maintain the common space that all singaporeans share .

b) In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools?
We could have more activities that concern the different culture and religion like have a racial day at the end of every week . Test on these question and those who got correct get prizes to the winners,activites and community involvement projects which help all ethnic groups open a space of communcation to bring about special relationship and frinedships .This will bring the races together and make them feel united.

2) Do you respect other religions? Why or why not? What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?
I do ,as we together must fight against the terrorist that might cause danger to Singapore so we must stay united together or there will be many dangerous events like racial riots.I do not think that this will be accepeted as their own parents are those who feed them from small to big and now they are ungrateful to their own parents even if they have a different religion that does not allow they will have to pray respect to their own parents they will have to break the rules to pray to their parents .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

ST Reflection Term 3 week 7

ST Reflection

Home Section Page 1

1a) What was the reason for building the platform doors at the MRT stations?
It is to prevent people from commit sucide and some people from accidentally falling into the MRT tracks and some might drop something into the tracks and it will reduce the number and cases.
b) Which other countries already have such doors installed at train stations?
As case study says that the number of people falling on the tracks are on the rise.Other countries such as Paris and Taipei are currently seen using these doors.
2) What is your opinion of commuters on trains who disregard the rules (no eating/drinking, give up seats for the elderly/ the disabled/ pregnant women etc.) on the train?
They are all incondsiderate people and selfish as they do not think of other people but themselves,and on my opinion on commuters who do not give up their seats, i find that it is pretty rude not to give up our seat to people who need it more than us.I often try to give seat to the more needed commuter but not pretending to sleep or reading books,newspaper.As,I or my family also do not want to be treated like this as we will grow old and need a seat and nobody wants to give you a seat that time you will feel how they feel now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Article: “Government acts to curb younger smokers” (Pg A1 & A4)
1)What are some measures by the government to curb smoking?

Some of the measures are to increase the fines for underage smoking , giving ban on the certain sales of tobacco and also barring some places from selling them , lower the rate of permitted nicotine and tar allowed in the cigarettes. These could further reduce the number of people smoking not just in the public places and also in smoking restricted areas . Fines imposed on such smokers thereafter will go up from $300 to $500.Cigarates will be sold only in packs of 20 instead of 10 ($8) to price them out of reach of buyers, especially young ones. A packet of 20 ciggarettes costs $11.60 on average.

2)How successful do you think these measures would be?Support your answer with reason
These could further reduce the number of people smoking not just in the public places and also in smoking restricted areas . Because of this some smokers will have to curb it as the sales of cigarettes have been lowered and now not any nearby minimarts as ban as the banning and barring of the cigarettes have led many smokers to have trouble purchasing it . These could further reduce the number of people smoking not just in the public places and also in smoking restricted areas . These could further reduce the number of people smoking not just in the public places and also in smoking restricted areas . However, I think that the measures to prevent smokers in Singapore will help to lessen down smokers in Singapore eventually. Regarding the limit of tar and nicotine in each ciggerette, it will stop people from buying too much cigarates.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

IN section page 3(Term 3 Week 5)

A Deadly Business

1a)What are the two worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?
The two worrying trends are not only adults or men do that but even teenagers and women are getting caught up in this dangerous trade.Another worying trend is that more Singaporeans are being caught overseas for
b)Why are Singapore increasingly being used as "drug mules"?
It is because singaporens do not need a visa when going to most places and they are also less likely to be checked because of its reputation for having a strong opposition against drugs so it becomes easier for them to get used by people overseas to help imort over the drugs so as to make quick and easy money .
2)What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

EL Straits Times Blogging WEEK 4

1) Pg 4: Her world’s a stage

Reflection Questions:

Do you consider yourself an artistic person?
I do not think that i am a artistic person even though i am in art class i do not consider i am an artistic person as i do not always draw on my own will as i will draw if a person do not draw on his/her own than he has no interst in it.
What are your opinions of the theatre scene in Singapore?
They are good and well preserve and they make a good place as some times i will visit if they are free admission.
Instructions: Complete all the reflection questions

2) Pg 10: Drink-and-Eat MRT Riders on the rise

Reflection Question:

How do you feel about MRT commuters eating and drinking blatantly on the train?

I feel that the fines are ineffective as time goes by people tend to forget them . I think those who eat on train are inconsiderate and if they drop the food or drinks it will dirty the trains floor and the cleaner will have to clean.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Term 3 Week 3 ST Reflection

1a)Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

It need lots of things that needed to be imported from other countries.The costumes were price according to the material and amount of embroidery.Even some of the teams hire tailors from Thailand to make their costume.They also need to buy training mats that were $50 per piece.The shoes that were imported from US and Taiwan that cost $90 to $150 a pair.They also need to go to gymnastics classes and work shop which are $50 per session.Have to buy nutritional supplements and vitamins which cost $50 to $130 per bottle.

b)What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

Cheerleading is a tough sport because cheerleaders requires each individual to receive vigorous trainings .They also have to be flexible to do all stunts and tricks and guys have to be very fit as they required to carry the girls up so cheerleading is a tough sports to do.

2) What is your opinion would you join cheerleading ? Why/why not

Cheerleading is not a very good sport as there are risk that people can injured themselves easily if the cheerleaders were injured it will affect the performance and need to use quite a number of money to form a team in competition.I would not want to be a cheerleader in future as I am risking my own self from getting injured and joining cheerleading will be a waste of time as there are many disadvantages and its high costs will stop me from joining.